Monday 7 October 2013

REDD: Storm Wings (part 3)

Ruedalow peered down at the open sewage hatch. "To think they wash in this stuff."
"Good job we installed clean water eh! Not really looking forward to going in there though."
"But it's in the name of scientific endeavors!" Retorted the professor.
"Exactly how is exploring sewers a scientific endeavor?"
"Helps pay the rent. And anyway, you may find some new mold or something."
"Here we go then." They slowly climbed over the edges and their feet entered the sludge.
"Is it too late to quit being a scientist." Asked Ruedalow.
Something ran over Emery's foot. "What was that?"
"Actually I don't want to know."
"Who could blame you? Which way do you want to go?"
"That way," he pointed straight on,"but let's stick together."
"Ok. Torches out."
They both drew some 1920s adventurer style torches- perks of being a time traveler- and walked through the sludge until the darkness was surrounding them completely apart from the thin shafts of light coming from their silver torches. The sewers were horrible and the smell was pungent. Almost as bad as the Thames. That was the only problem with living underneath the Hungerford Market, you were on the shores of a river that was having sewage pumped into it everyday. Luckily, magic wasn't one for allowing practitioners to suffer from bad hygiene and nasty smells so it was normally a good idea to cast a nice smell charm. I really hope I don't need to explain what a nice smell charm is.
 They continued to trudge through the sewage and then the floor became dry. They stopped for a second and stamped their shoes a few time to knock the sewage off. They carried on walking and then they knocked over a pile of coins. Emery shot his beam down and revealed a stack of engraved golden discs. "I believe we've probably just entered the dragons cave." Muttered Emery.
Before Ruedalow could reply, he felt his arms be grabbed by some humanoid shape from behind. His torch dropped.
He loved that torch.
He pulled both of his arms free then punched the man in the face. He was wearing some kind of ceremonial robe. Before Ruedalow could make a witty remark- or say something along the lines of 'Reverse the polarity of the neutron flow'- they were pulled down and tied up with a chain. Then they were dragged across the gold and then thrown into a cage. "I'm surprised  they didn't say a witty remark like, 'You're invented to be lunch' or something. You don't get villains like you used to." Muttered Emery.
"Or like you will."

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